Works from 2005
Art originates from beyond
dated 2005 until 2005
(click on an image to enlarge an artwork)
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Brother Vincent
2005We love you Bro . See Detail in Magish surrealist section

L'Amour sorcier
2005Love is a warrior active act . It doesnt just pop out without effort .

Desire is love in disguise
2005Well , there is only one street , and its name is love , but you can go either way , back or front .

2005Love story around the nest

Le Grand Chef d' Orchestre
2005And composer

2005The bike is way too heavy for us alone

A role and its Actor
2005It is great power to differentiate them .

Insurance G
2005When the insurance company in which lobby that work is standing asked me what was the meaning of the title , i replied , you dont want to know as it would put you out of business .Insurance G is insurance God .

2005a permanent nest of no ups and downs .

Lucky number
2005This one comes when one is ready .

2005Enough of everything for everybody

Le Doute
2005Part of the Truth is to doubt it .

East and West
2005Love and Sacrifice .You ll find the detail in the magish surrealist section

No apple , no story
2005Darkness is not the ennemy of light . They are each other revelator .This work is dedicated to Jean Paul Sartre et au Chien .You have got a Detail in the magish surrealist section,-no-story.html

The Flying man
2005Same as Superman

Chien aile
2005On target , we fly

2005Do not underestimate the great medecine power of Art , in this world as in the other .You can see a detail at

2005The highway for growth .

Hommage a mon pere ; St Bernard
2005Sacrifice of the few for the many

2005What a blissfull smile .Flowers are the ultimate gift : le don de SOI . See Detail in magish surrealist section

Kiss of life
2005without air the body perishes . Without Love the soul languishes . A baby will die without it .

Merging of the small individual i with the big universal I
2005Expansion is freedom , contraction is individual jail . See detail at

The General
2005Looking through Velo ( love ) glasses bring tears to the eyes

2005the process is progress , and it goes faster at two

2005Becoming one with the great Spirit